Lelaina Romero, Music Educator and Healer, Mother


Sharing an invitation into the SoloCantar community, led by our SisterScene friend, Lelaina Romero: You are invited to follow my page "SoloCantarSpace"  and click the link below to share my story about honoring my father’s memory and community healing with sing-along youtube video instruction and a collaboration with musicians and artists (while promoting ALS research). Sólo Cantar is a space and community celebrating the healing power of music. Our first event will be a show at the PSI Theatre, Durham Arts Council, on 4/30/22, benefitting the ALS Association, NC Chapter. Created by LeLaina Romero honoring her dad Luis.

Sólo Cantar is a space and community celebrating the healing power of music. Our first event will be a show at the PSI Theatre, Durham Arts Council, on 4/30/22, benefitting the ALS Association, NC Chapter. Created by LeLaina Romero honoring her dad Luis.


Pennies For Change Durham’s Crisis Response SHOP


Brianna Pinto - SisterScene Bio