Vandana’s Indian-American Culinary Discoveries.

Vandana Shah, (Cary, NC) Starting a new Saturday culinary tradition. 3/21/22 ·

Saturday tradition in our household since summer of 2021 - trip to the local farmers market to get the fresh catch followed by a weekend seafood bonanza - this weekend was butter garlic crabs and Goan fish curry with wild caught mullets - I am trying seafood recipes from around the world so send me yours for next weekend.

Pankaj and I grew up in the city synonymous with fish in India(Kolkata) so most folks assume that our intense passion for seafood comes from growing up there - not really since both of us grew up in vegetarian households with little exposure to buying, handling, cooking and eating all manner of seafood.

We are still developing our “sea legs” - usually my cooking muse and chef extraordinaire Aparna Patkar helps me out when I don’t know what to do with my catch

My best sea food global adventure of the last year- carrying back 5 plus pounds of cooked Ilish (hilsa) curry from Dhaka to North Carolina in perfect condition and feasting on it for a week Ataur Rahman Masud thank you


Project Two