HalfTime More American than…

By: Heather Priest, SisterScene Culture Critic

Just watched the Superbowl haftime show! LOVED IT!! It wasn’t Jennifer Lopez pole dancing at 50 amazing or Beyoncé preforming incredible feats of aerobic choreography in heels while singing brilliantly amazing, but I still loved it.

Dr. Dre and Snoop brought out the oldies – some of my favorite music and I just loved the gorgeous variety of colors and shapes all dancing on a giant map of Inglewood (I think? Always up to no good lol)).

Mary j Blige just brought her awesomeness and was spectacular too! Eminem was predictably the weakest link, but you can’t have everything I suppose.

Honestly, if I weren’t already American, a show like this would make me want to be. We are so lucky to live on a country with so much beautiful diversity and talent, and in particular, the richness that Black Americans have brought to all of us is a blessing that can’t be quantified.

So fitting that this performance was during African American History Month. Too bad white America still hasn’t overcome its racist past and continues to oppress.

It was hard not to think about the in-your-face dichotomy of the racism in the NFL and all of the wealthy “haves” watching live from the stadium. But anyway, the show was fantastic, and I can’t believe this is the FIRST time hip hop has been featured during the Superbowl but in the other hand…sounds about white.

WATCH Superbowl halftime show on Youtube, and tell us Your Opinion in the comments. This is a SisterScene community blog, let us know if you want to join our community:



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