Sister2Sister: Q&A

ANINA McCRAE, Asheville, NC, August 30, 2021: Hi friends - I'm looking to hear some stories if anyone feels open to tell one. Been thinking a lot about fear lately and am curious to know what my friends and loved ones have to say about this, and would love to connect through these stories. What was a time in your life when you felt big time fear? That eye-watery, stomach-in-throat, sometimes body-paralyzing fear? How did the fear sit with you? Or did it not? What did you do? Did you feel the fear and do it anyways? Did you not do anything? How did you feel after that time in your life? Is it something you'd experience again? Feel free to message me or comment with your experiences, looking forward hearing from ya 🧡

Answering: EMILYCOX, Durham, NC Aug 30, 2021

Thanks, Nina. I am having surprise fear-moments over here just this evening—not common—

Regathering my grounding, my breath and closing my eyes to stretch out some of the anxiety just this second.

Two major news items about the context of viruses on campuses and in restaurants—both environs impact our family.

Earlier when the first piece of news hit, about an hour ago, I had to get up and go get a cup of water. I felt deeeeply thirsty and sharp jolts of pain went through my brain. One, I realized my concussion syndrome is being triggered by stress and technology exposure.

Two, it is too late at night to drink 16 ounces of water—but I did it instinctively.

Much love to you, please call me this week, ok?



Driving Under the Influence of Cajun Heritage in 1985: My Story + Q & A