SoJuicy Magazine & Community

Each person that signs-up helps propel the momentum of this idea for radical, compassionate, antiracist community. To Sign up is to Show Up in spirit, in silence or in expression. Send us a message. Thanks!


Hopes, expectations for SoJu Mag/Comm: The beginnings of an agreement/guidelines/covenant for this group HERE—-

HOW do we DO SoJuicy Personal, Creative Justice? Broad parameters and definitions.

  • Processing our solitary and our collective work and play experiences, with curiosity and without judging. Overcoming inner, interpersonal and structural oppression.

  • Exploring ways to understand our own personal and collective identities in a brave and compassionate space. What does acceptance and cooperation look like?

  • Design our own activism rituals.

  • Show up with words, sounds, pictures, silence—these expressions of inner and collective power make democracy visible and more functional. 

  • When we open our senses and allow creative energy to flow freely, our common humanity, our kinship is unveiled, in the presence of racial, gender, faith and cultural differences.

  • Considering and learning about power differentials. Striving to UNLEARN our OWN OPPRESSION of ourselves and each others selves.

  • Recognizing and considering how to stretch beyond our comfort zone.

  • How can we trust others and collaborate if we do not…